Thu, 19 March 2020
At this point, we've all come to terms with the fact that the 2019-20 season isn't coming back for any sport. While it's a reality, it's still a tough pill to swallow for any senior athlete that fought so hard to get to the NCAA Tournament. Former NC State point guard Aislinn Konig joins the Pack Pride Podcast to discuss the end of her career, her proudest moment in an NC State uniform, what the Wolfpack means to her and why she doesn't have any plans to stop playing basketball any time soon. Listen to the full podcast below and subscribe on iTunes, the Google Play Store or find us on Spotify by searching for "Pack Pride Podcast" under the podcasts section.
Direct download: Pack_Pride_Podcast_--_Ace_Konig_joins_the_show_-_3_19_20_10.49_AM.m4a
Category:Pack Pride Podcast -- posted at: 11:30am EST |